
Monday, January 17, 2011

Tooo many questions Any answers?

1)What should I wear to college tomorrow?
2) Should I go to college at all?
3) Is it Monday today?
4) Are my hair looking good?
5) Is the jacket going well those shoes?
6)  Why am I sleepy already?
7)  Why do I have to wake early in the morning?
8) Why can't I sleep even when I am sleepy?
9) Should I bunk any lectures?
10) If I bunk which one should I bunk?
11) Why do I have a pimple?
12) What would be a good low cal meal?
13) Is this where I wanted to be?
14)   Isn’t this where I wanted to be?
15) Will I ever get a good job?
16) Will I be paid well?
17) Will I be a good engineer?
18) Why do I care so much?
19) Am I too clumsy?
20) Should I be more careful when talking?
21) Where will I be in five years from now?
22) Where will I be in a year?
23) Do I try to make people who I meet like me?
24) Doesn't everyone want that?
25) When will I finish the current book?
26) Should I update my facebook status?
27) Will he reply to the messages?
28) Why do I care what people think?
29) Should I read more?
30) Why isn't anyone picking up the phone?
31) Why am I watching TV when there is nothing interesting on it?
32) Should I make a to-do list?
33) Do I need a time table for this semester?
34) What was the new term used in mechanical class today?
35) Why can't I recall it?
36) Will I get a yes for an answer?
37) Should I continue blogging?
38) Why is this professor so irritating?
39) Should I workout more?
40) Do I need to workout?
41) Again what should I wear?
42) Should I read the newspaper more thoroughly?
43) Am I well aware of everything going on?
44) Should I act more responsibly?
45) When will I get my driving license?
46) Can I drive well?
47)Why am I writing this?
48 Can I write well?
49) Is this post too random?
50)Will I get comments  ?
51) Should I update the playlists in my I-pod?
52)Anyone got answers?


Ankita said...

srish...wat's dis??:P

Unknown said...

@ ankita whats what ??

pramod said...

you know the answers. if not just keep a coin and flip it.
heads yes and tails no.
in doubt and don't get the answer to your liking flip te coin again and give life another chance.
you see what I mean.
great post.
charming writeup.

Arti said...

Yes too many questions... Probably everyone faces those at some stage of their lives.

Unknown said...

@ pramod seems like a great way to get answers when in doubt. thanks again!!

@arti welcome to the teenage babbling ,ya i guess everyone does faces these questions