
Friday, December 31, 2010

And another year ends.

As the first decade of the new millennium is about to end I look back at all the things that happened in 2010. It's the year I started college , the year I ended school , the year I turned eighteen and the year I started blogging . The beginning of the year had me all stressed out, the apprehensions , the pangs , the curiosity of getting into college. It was a mixed bag of all sorts of feelings.

The college was a new adventure but school was missed. All the childish talks and pranks played are now a treasure and memories that are never going to fade away. I met some of the coolest people in 2010 , parted with some . It was in June when I had nothing to do , I took up writing , I do not know whether I am good or not but I found  immense pleasure and satisfaction in my new found interest.

2010 was not all fun and frolic my grandmother fell seriously sick because of drug overdose , it was hard to see a lady who always was on her toes laying in the bed or  keeping quiet. Thankfully the by the end of the year she was back to being the grandmother she was earlier , scolding me and cooking the scrumptious finger licking meals. My youngest cousin who is barely seven was found to have muscle dystrophy , I do not want to elaborate on that. Just hope 2011 changes things for the little kid. Sometimes life can be so bloody unfair.

The time it seems has flown away. The echo of the laughs shared on the most silliest jokes , the tears spilled for things that seem so insignificant now are all memories etched in the back of the mind. This has been by far the most eventful year of life - boards , results , entrances , tensions , admissions, new atmosphere , college, new friends , bunking, new crushes , college exams and finally the end of this year , I'll never forget this one , because it's end brings new beginnings for me.

I do not want to mention any resolutions ( like I have any ) that will make the post even more boring.All I want is to keep writing  in 2011. 2011 - new year , new start . Let's keep it rolling. Happy new year.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

People who make every moment of life a moment of joy. Part 2

The brother

Yeah finally something about the person I have mentioned quite a lot of times.I was not going to write this until next week but because today it's his seventeenth birthday I thought I'll do him the honors ( I'm kidding its 4 am and I can not sleep) .

Where do I start from??Well all I can say is I have a brother like no other , he's the most insane brother to have. He  can drive me nuts and make me laugh all at the same time. We have had our share of fights ( maybe more ) and there were times we actually disowned each other(weird aren't we?) but we could not hold ourselves from talking  for long ; I always tried , but something always comes up and I have to end the fight .

I never thought of him as a brother , he is more of a friend , someone who I can hit and  never get hit back      ( sometimes he is the gentleman) and lets me off with the warning if I repeat it I'd be going down.It's cool to go on drives with him , when he drives at 80km/hr on the city roads .Jerk likes me freaking out. I am glad to reach back home safely after every drive. Though I bet he feels the same when I drive. I don't over speed  but still manage to freak him out. I should be thanking him for saving my life when I took a wrong turn almost ( had he not shown his reflexes it would have been otherwise )and  collided with another car . Had the collision taken place I would have been behind the bars or atleast challened ( chandigarh police sucks) heavily for driving without a driving license with a minor (seventeen year olds no matter how tall they are minors) .

It was  because of him I had tough times at school. He would always do something and I was called for.In class 9th he did  not submit his project  on time and when he did complete it  he was too scared to submit so while he sat at home pretending to be sick I submitted that project and got  to hear horrendous things from the teacher. And in 10th when we had a common Hindi teacher we both had our share of hearing nasty things . She complained to him about me and me about you to me, thanks to our  remarkable handwriting and splendid Hindi.It is very annoying how he  always manages  to score more than me.

He thinks he says the most witty one-liners and I enjoy them.Buddy those are pity laughs.He  is  like Chandler sometimes. Sometimes I hate the fact he does not tell me everything , imagine hearing it from his  classmates that he was  bullied badly in school by some guys. I always knew you hated those guys but bullying is somethimg I could not imagine.
The way he gets along with all my friends is amazing , when they team up against me I feel they are more of friends .

It's very bizarre that he  finds me a disappointment just because I have been single for a long time , like he has had a million girlfriends. It's good for the girls that he  stays away from them (he says that ) but I think its the other way round.And if he ever does have one I am going to warn her about this guy and save a life.

Thankfully he does not read this blog . Love you loads chouttttu , that's what I'll call because he hates it . Happy Birthday ! And may you have many more.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

People who make every moment of my life a moment of joy . Part 1


There is some kind of strange feeling engulfing me as I write this . It's for the people I spend my entire day with , the ones who make every moment a memory.They are with me through the blues to hug and comfort me  and the good times to jump with ecstasy. It's hard to imagine my life without them . They I believe are the true friends ,the friends I would want  to be with forever. Here's a little about them in the order of meeting them:

GS aka AK47 aka mots (though I never use that ) :
I first met you in 9th grade and before we had even talked I detested you  because I assumed you were some snotty girl with oodles of attitude( gawd me and my assumptions). And then when you won the debate and I did not, I started disliking you even more. You had taken my place of being the best debater in the school. It was only in the mid session when we were put together for the school editorial team I found out you weren't all that bad.I actually had fun working with you and you'd be surprised I looked up to you (you still are not aware of this)  . Then after this little thing we got a little friendly but were not even close to friends , we were just class mates. You had your friends to chill out and I, well at that point of time I don't think I had any friend( I can say this now when I have the most priceless friend in you).

In class 10th it was the same , but everything changed as the school changed in 11th. You were the only one I knew in the alien land. I hated the new school , the people out there were weird. I have no idea I  how would have survived the two most crappy years of my life without you. Eventually I knew I could always rely on you.  Whether it was physics derivations or consoling me when I had bad scores. You had a solution to every problem of mine. I still remember how you gave mine and one of our other friends proxy attendance and were caught while we were having fun celebrating our first bunk. Or the day when you started calling me zero centimeter ( I am not disclosing the reason here , it's way to  embarrassing) , that really was a moment that will always be etched in our minds. You helped me before every exam , made sure I studied systematically ( the way you did).

You were the happiest person when we landed up in the same college, I vaguely remember the excitement I heard in your voice when I told that you that.In college the bond grew stronger . You gave me more reasons to look upto you ( again I will keep the reasons to myself). It's strange how you always end up laughing when we are arguing. And the argument for good  becomes history.I find it very hilarious  how you always joke about  my orientation( for all the people reading I am straight) and I do  not make any effort to prove you wrong. We have had the greatest time together and will continue to have .And you know what I miss being in the same class room .

Ck aka AYG: To be very honest I do not remember our first meeting ( you know that ) . I mean I remember it was on the first day of our college and we were exploring it together but I fail to recall seeing you there( it does not matter, we have come a long way from that now) . Apart from that day we surprisingly ( knowing you ) got along well almost immediately.It was on the third day of college you got your name AYG , the angry young gal , because you had a tiff with some senior. That day I learnt apart from being the AYG you also are someone who knows how to take a stand. I respect you for that.You have taken everything that came your way  in your stride( this goes for GS as well). You are the prefect advisor in the areas where GS might fail. You guys are the same yet in a different manner( remember the being introvert talk we had in the bus and that really stumped me) .Both of you are plainly extremely  crazy but guess that is the reason you are my friends.
Ck its real fun to play your girlfriend ( obviously I am not ) . That explains the reason why GS jokes about me not being straight.Although as your girlfriend I would love it if you utilized your phone more effectively . The shopping spree we  had together was  fun , though it did not seem so when we were actually shopping , but now when I  look back it was an experience in itself.

And oh nearly forgot this one , the prank we played on GS , when I pretended I had lost my phone. Plotting it with you and V was the best thing during the semester.

You are the one who assures our daily dose of adventures at college ,Phew,  I have lost the count of guys stalking you.I envy the fact  that you were thrown out of the class before me , I always thought I would be the first one , but you managed the feat before me and my count is still zero.It is great fun when you are around. Thank you for being there.

V aka uncle V  : I took a little longer (than I should have ) to know you completely.You are the friend who shares the similar interests as mine. The co-founder and vice-president  of the backpacker club ( yeah I am still the founder and the president) We can endlessly talk about books , movies and music.You are the one who encourages me to blog and gives me the feedback.You listen to my blog babbling and the rest too.

With you I had  fun at every single workshop and later the torture of cleaning the mess at workshop. The sardar sir really gave us tough times. Once we went to have our breakfast and walked in the workshop complete 20 minutes late like we were the princesses and then we had to beg for our attendance like paupers. But missing those 20 minutes was worth . You and I share the pain of being stared at by the teacher  (having a continuous eye contact) in all the communication classes.

You are the master of pulling  leg , you always have the most awesome(est) comebacks . This is the first and the last time I am accepting this fact. Together we and the backpackers make the perfect back-benchers. Let me tell you guys it's nothing to be proud of. It's been barely four months since I know you but I can say I know the in and out of you.

I am fortunate to have such nice friends , they make me look forward to each day at college and beyond.I want them to be there forever and ever . Yeah I do believe in the friends forever concept.Thanks G,C and V and also the others I did not mention .All of you are insanely crazy  and I love you for that.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Random rambling and ranting,

My head is spinning and heart pounding . It's the time of year I dread , yes right the exam time. I have my reasons to be elated and sad. First the bad reasons:

a) I am fighting a losing battle with Maths , there was a time when I was pretty good at it but since college started maths has been giving me nightmares. Earlier it was just physics and now they have teamed up against me.

b) My  viva for communication skills (  supposedly  a cakewalk ) went terribly. I was asked the difference between may and might. Since when do we differentiate between the two in communication.Anybody got  a clue what it is?

c) I was in the market  the day after my birthday and because I had not had a proper dinner the previous night  and no breakfast , and had to wait for a long time for the SIM card I wanted , I had a complete blackout and fell down , hitting my head on the counter . Could anything be more embarrassing? And now I have a bruise on my forehead .

d) All my friends (atleast most of them) are partying hard while I am writing this but because of the above reasons and a doctor's appointment ( to satisfy my mom I am fine) I could not be there . I am so missing the fun.

Now the reasons that give me a reason to smile:

a) I discovered if you Google  is hrithihk hexadectylism on the very first page the second link is  to my blog of  this post. You might laugh at me for being being happy at this but right for me it's a big deal. My good friend V thinks so too but others just laughed it away. Only V will get a treat while others can watch from a distance.

b) I got a new phone as a gift from my parents and I am typing this post using my phone. I am loving it.

c) My eighteenth was the best  birthday so far ,  firstly because of the reason mentioned above and then because of my  friends AYG and AK47 , together the three of us had the most memorable time.Thank a lot everyone.

Oh lord save me from the exams . Why do we have to give exams at all? Why? I am already looking forward to the end of this month .  There's a family get together after three years that too around Christmas.How come best and worst times come together . Hopefully I emerge from the battle victoriously .

Friday, December 3, 2010


I am finally turning 18 , stepping into the adult world , well almost. I have waited to attain this number ( isn't age just a number ) since I don't know how long. Now that I'm 18 I can actually do the following ( kick yourself if you think even one is worth looking forward to):

a) Vote ,  like my vote is going to change the way things are in the country.

b) Get a permanent driving license , big deal everyone has it (even kids )and now when I see 12 year olds driving , I feel like shaking them back to life , shouldn't they be cycling or watching tom and jerry instead of flaunting their activas at 100 km/hr . Things were so different when I was a kid.

c) Sign up for things or sites that allow only adults. I did that before too , now the only difference will be the clicking on the little box will be guilt free.

d) Donate blood , this one is a real cause , but my HB doesn't allow , screw it.

e) Marry , noooooooooooooo , I am still a sixteen year old at heart and this requires a lot of responsibility  something that is coming to me only after 30.Here I am not talking about career related responsibility, I am quite serious about that.

Nothing except getting a driving license excites me. Thankfully I won't have to tell my mama to drive me across the city ( she feels that she is my taken for granted chauffeur) .  

I always thought I'll become matured or atleast act matured when I am 18. Alas! How wrong I was?Being truly independent, means a lot and takes a lot. And I also know sooner or later, the time will come to take control of my life and I'll have to behave and think like an adult. Scared I am, but I think I'll certainly be able to call myself a qualified full fledged adult. Right now I don't fell any difference , I'm still the sixteen year old I was two years back.

For now I am going to celebrate my first steps into adulthood by watching 'Chronicles of Narnia 'and a shopping spree ( probably exclusively for me ) something we girls are really good at with my best buddies.